Sunday, 29 March 2009

First Chunk done at last !

Since November I've been getting my M801 Dissertation finished. At last that is done-and-dusted !

However, I haven't been idle, and have given much thought to the project.

So now I have the first part of my Chunk (50) written, and here it is :

TITLE Generating a simple curve

In the previious section you was able to see how a graph of distance against time could be represented with a curve.

Also, you saw that for a given constant speed (i.e. zero acceleration), a straight line is drawn, because

In other words the slope of the line determines the speed.

In many cases speed is not constant and so a curve will be drawn instead. This can be interpreted as a line with a varying slope.

But how do we draw lines with varying slope in the Processing Environment ?

First, we need a function to describe the shape of the curve. One frequently used case, is when a ball or other object is dropped from a height. We can describe the speed of the object in terms of the amount of time elapsed from dropping the object approximately as follows :

Where 's' is the number of seconds since dropping the object and '9.81' is the constant acceleration due to the gravitational pull of the earth. This is a form of constant aceeleration in one dimension.

Lets develop a program to draw this graph

First, we need an anvironment to draw in :



int margin = height / 15;



Now define the x an y values for plotting the points

float x = 0;

float y = 0;

We need a constant to represent the acceleration due to gravity

float g = 9.81;

This constant we will use to increment the x (time) value.

float timeInc = 1;

We need to scale the x-points according to the size of the window. This constant calculates the maximum valkue of x that we can expect during the execution of the program.

float xMax = width/sqrt(width / g);

Now we are ready to run the program. A 'whjile' loop is used to calculate values for y, as long as the current value will fit into the window.


Work out where the x point is in terms of time:

float xPoint = xMax * x;

Tell us what is going on (for information only)

System.out.println("x=" + x + ", y=" + y + ", xPoint=" + xPoint);

Draw the point on the graph

point(xPoint+margin, y+margin);

Increment time by our required factor. Calculate the next value of y , and starty again

x += timeInc;

y = g * x*x;


Put together, this program looks like this :

// Set the environment



int margin = height / 15;



// Set constants

float x = 0;

float y = 0;

float g = 9.81;

float timeInc = 1;

float xMax = width/sqrt(width / g);

// Run the loop


float xPoint = xMax * x;

System.out.println("x=" + x + ", y=" + y + ", xPoint=" + xPoint);

point(xPoint+margin, y+margin);

x += timeInc;

y = g * x*x;


Using the code above, I obtained the following output:

You can see that five points were plotted representing the time values of 0 -4 seconds after release of the object, in one second increments.

You should be able to easily change this program to show the curve as below :

Hint : look at the value of timeInc

Sunday, 23 November 2008

OK, Spent some time reviewing possible sections, and decided on my second choice, which is number 50 - Curves

Cool - This will follow nicely from the straight lines section(s) of the book.

Now, where did I put my maths OU units ??

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Decided to get the book from Amazon, and save the voucher for later. This was mainly because Waterstones is a bit of a trek for me.

Well, I've had a quick look through it, but can't decide what fragment to pick.
I'm thinking it will be something early on in the book......

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Joining In

Well, just received the token.
I am bit late getting round to buying the book, due to other commitments. Good to see there are still plenty of slots left.

More to come as soon as I ahve decided which fragment to write

see you later.