Sunday, 23 November 2008

OK, Spent some time reviewing possible sections, and decided on my second choice, which is number 50 - Curves

Cool - This will follow nicely from the straight lines section(s) of the book.

Now, where did I put my maths OU units ??

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Decided to get the book from Amazon, and save the voucher for later. This was mainly because Waterstones is a bit of a trek for me.

Well, I've had a quick look through it, but can't decide what fragment to pick.
I'm thinking it will be something early on in the book......

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Joining In

Well, just received the token.
I am bit late getting round to buying the book, due to other commitments. Good to see there are still plenty of slots left.

More to come as soon as I ahve decided which fragment to write

see you later.